Composite Materials Systems - Classification and Qualification

QC protocols and Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria are used to define the allowable values (typical minimum)that should be attained from either on-site or off-site QC testing. For the application of composite materials for strengthening flexural structures QC testing covers three categories relating to:

   • state-of-cure
   • mechanical performance
   • adhesion (long-term durability).

The QC protocols for carrying-out the QC testing can be accessed here. The acceptance values will vary according to the materials being used and are therefore included within the classification documentation.

QC testing performed on-site is generally undertaken by the (sub) contractor. Off-site testing is always carried out by an independent test house. The acceptance definitions are based upon the short-term values listed in the classification documentation.

If any values fail the acceptance criteria the non-conformance steps should be followed.

On-site QC acceptance criteria

On-site testing is generally undertaken by the (sub) contractor. The related on-site testing falls into two categories:

1. Hardness test (state-of-cure)

The acceptance value for determining the state-of-cure is equal to the short term value – (4*SD).

Note: QC mean is rounded down to nearest integer and standard deviations (SD) are rounded up to nearest 0.5 of an integer.

Example: application of a structural adhesive - based upon the material specified in the classification scheme.

State-of-cure (hardness)
The mean of a batch (minimum of ten specimens) of hardness data, QCmean, should be equal to or exceed the acceptance value, where;

QCmean >= 76 Shore D ( 82 – 4*(1.5) = 76 ) measured after 24 hours


QCmean >= 82Shore D ( 84 – 4*(0.5) = 82 ) measured after 7 days

Note: 1 batch equals 50kg of adhesive usage, or, if a new adhesive batch code is used

2. Pull-off test (strength of substrate or adhesive and failure mode)

The acceptance value for pull-off strength is equal to the short term value – (4*SD)

The acceptance criterion for adhesion is based upon a minimum percentage (75%) of the dominant failure mode resulting from the specimens used to provide the classification short term values.

Note: QC mean is rounded down to nearest integer and standard deviations (SD) are rounded up to nearest 0.5 of an integer.

Example: steel dolly bonded to a cast-iron substrate - based upon the material specified in the classification scheme.

The mean of a batch (minimum of three specimens) of QC pull-off tests, QCmean , should be equal to or exceed the acceptance value, where;

QCmean >= 10 MPa ( 16– 4*(1.5) = 10 )

The mean failure mode of a batch (minimum of three specimens) of QC pull-off tests, QCmean , should be equal to or exceed the acceptance value , where;

QCmean >= 75 % P ( 75% cohesive failure in the Primer )

Note: 1 batch equals 50kg of adhesive usage, or, if a new adhesive batch code is used

Off-site QC acceptance criteria (independent testing)

QC testing performed on specimens cured on-site but tested off-site by an independent test house. All specimens should have been left to cure on site for a minimum of 5 days.

These are divided into three categories:

3. Determination of the adhesive/resin’s glass transition temperature (State-of-cure)

The acceptance value for the glass transition temperature of the adhesive or resin is equal to the short term value ± 5°C.

Note: QC mean is rounded down to nearest integer and standard deviations (SD) are rounded up to nearest 0.5 of an integer.

Example: application of a structural adhesive - based upon the material specified in the classification scheme.

Glass transition temperature (Tg)
The mean of a batch (minimum of three specimens) of QC pull-off tests, QCmean , should be within the acceptance limits;

55°C =< QCmean <= 65°C ( 60 ± 5°C )

Note: 1 batch equals 50kg of adhesive usage, or, if a new adhesive batch code is used

4. Determination of the adhesive’s mechanical performance (tensile or flexural properties)

The acceptance value for bulk tensile modulus (stiffness) is equal to the short term value ± (4*SD)

The acceptance value for bulk tensile strength (stiffness) is equal to the short term value – (4*SD)

Example: application of a structural adhesive - based upon the material specified in the classification scheme.

The mean of a batch (minimum of three specimens) of QC pull-off tests, QCmean, should be within the limits;

3 GPa =< QCmean <= 14 GPa ( 9 ± 4*(1.5) and rounded down)

The mean of a batch (minimum of three specimens) of QC pull-off tests, QCmean, should be equal to or exceed the acceptance value, where;

QCmean >= 26 MPa ( 34 – 4*(4.0) = 26 )

Note: 1 batch equals 50kg of adhesive usage, or, if a new adhesive batch code is used

5. Evaluation of the adhesive and composite material system (Lap shear strength and failure mode)

The acceptance value for lap shear strength is equal to the short term value – (4*SD)

The acceptance criterion for adhesion is based upon a minimum percentage of the dominant failure mode resulting from the specimens used to provide the classification short term values.

Note: QC mean is rounded down to nearest integer and standard deviations (SD) are rounded up to nearest 0.5 of an integer.

Example: bonded CFRP pultrusion using a structural epoxy adhesive - based upon the material specified in the classification scheme.

The mean of a batch (minimum of three specimens) of QC pull-off tests, QCmean , should be equal to or exceed the acceptance value, where;

QCmean >= 8 MPa ( 10 – 4*(0.5) = 8 )

The mean failure mode of a batch (minimum of three specimens) of QC pull-off tests, QCmean , should be equal to or exceed the acceptance value, where;

QCmean >= 75 % A ( 75% cohesive failure in the Adhesive )

Note: 1 batch equals 50kg of adhesive usage, or, if a new adhesive batch code is used

If any values fail the acceptance criteria the non-conformance steps should be followed.

Non-conformance of QC specimens to acceptance criteria

In the case where QC batch test results do not pass some, or any, of the acceptance criteria the following steps have been identified and subsequent actions proposed.

Failure to meet acceptance critieria

In the case where any batch fails a specific acceptance criterion relating to expressions 1 to 5, the following actions should be taken:

Step 1: Check the mechanical performance of other QC tests taken from the same batch. If all others pass the relevant criteria the strengthening is deemed acceptable. If another QC test, taken from the same batch, fails go to step 2.

Step 2: The designer must re-evaluate the strengthening to take account of the reduced performance properties obtained from site. If the new design values are deemed sufficient the strengthening is accepted. If the design values are not acceptable go to step 3.

Step 3: Carry out some form of remediation, which might include the installation of additional plates, monitoring of suspect areas of strengthening, additional destructive QC tests on existing strengthening, or additional measures to improve adhesive cure (e.g. forced heating). In severe cases the defective strengthening materials may have to be removed and the strengthening repeated. Go to step 4.

Step 4: Perform QC tests due to any remediation works and, where applicable, repeat QC acceptance procedures.

Failure to meet adhesion criteria

If the average key mode of failure for each batch is significantly different from that of the control specimens long term monitoring of the relevant strengthened areas is recommended. In this case the following actions should be taken:

Step 1: Where there are low numbers, or isolated cases, of an apparent change in failure mode, visual inspection is recommended over an agreed period and frequency.

Step 2: Where there are large numbers of cases where an apparent change in failure mode is exhibited, the application of additional strengthening is recommended in order to allow selective Destructive Testing (e.g. pull-off testing) of the original strengthening over an agreed period and frequency with respect to the suspect batches.


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